FAQs | Momsanity Electrolytes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Momsanity Electrolytes

How many electrolytes are in Momsanity electrolyte powder?

Our electrolyte powder contains four core electrolytes essential for hydration: sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. When comparing sports drinks and electrolyte powders, it’s important to read the ingredients because most do not include calcium and magnesium.

We also added two vitamins that work synergistically with these electrolytes to boost hydration: Vitamin B6 for better magnesium absorption and Vitamin C for better sodium and potassium absorption.

How do I drink Momsanity Electrolytes?

Simply add a level scoop of the powder to your 20 oz Momsanity shaker bottle, shake and enjoy. It’s perfectly fine to use more water if that’s your preference.

What is the best time to drink Momsanity Electrolytes?

Our electrolytes can be enjoyed at any time and are particularly beneficial before, during, and after a workout or other strenuous activity.

Here are some tips for maximum benefits:

  • First thing in the morning. When we wake up we are generally dehydrated from not drinking any water overnight while sleeping. We challenge you to drink a 20 oz Momsanity bottle before sipping coffee!
  • Before, During, and After Your Workout. Drink 4-8 ounces of electrolytes 30 minutes prior to a workout or athletic event, then sip periodically during the workout or event. I generally sip ½ scoop before my workout and then another ½ scoop during my workout. I mix this with Momsanity BCAAS because they work SO well together (and taste amazing). Electrolytes also help prevent muscle cramps during exercise!
  • After a good sweat. Whether you’re a runner or are sitting at sports games and practices, if you’re sweating, sipping Momsanity Electrolytes is a good idea!
  • When feeling under the weather. When you’re sick, sipping electrolytes helps the body to stay hydrated and minerals replenished, especially when eating well is challenging.
  • During and after travel. Even car travel can dehydrate us, especially when we change routine. Air travel dehydrates even more so don’t forget to bring your electrolytes along.
  • When the temperature rises. It’s always a good idea to increase fluid intake (and electrolytes) during hot weather, especially if you’re engaged in physical activities outdoors. It’s important to know that your thirst may not always keep up with your need for fluids when the temperatures rise, so sipping electrolytes throughout the day can be beneficial.

Can Momsanity Electrolytes be used daily?

Yes! Momsanity Electrolytes are a refreshing way to hydrate and replenish naturally throughout the day with a perfect sodium-to-potassium ratio that’s not too salty.

How much electrolytes should I have each day?

The amount of electrolytes you need depends on how active you are, how much you sweat, your age and sex, and your overall health. If you’re exercising regularly, sweating a lot, or recovering from illness, electrolytes are helpful. A good rule is to aim for about 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of electrolytes each day. Electrolytes do not need to be consumed throughout the day as if they’re water, as they are designed for recovery and replenishment. Always consult with a doctor before using, especially if you already have high blood pressure.

We suggest using 1-3 scoops of Momsanity electrolytes per day, based on need.

Are Momsanity Electrolytes safe for kids?


Momsanity Electrolytes are sweetened with monk fruit and stevia, which are generally recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. With the daily RDA of Vitamin C and no sugar, our electrolyte drink mix is perfect for kids and a healthy alternative to sugary fruit drinks, energy drinks, and sodas.

Can I use Momsanity Electrolytes while pregnant or nursing?

While our products are made with high-quality, all-natural ingredients that are generally recognized as safe, we exercise an abundance of caution when it comes to pregnancy, breastfeeding, and other medical conditions and recommend you consult with your healthcare provider.

Are Momsanity Electrolytes safe to use if the powder is clumping?

Yes! The electrolyte powder may clump during shipping in humid conditions or if exposed to a small amount of air or moisture. Simply mix it thoroughly with water, and it should dissolve as usual!

We want every customer to be delighted with our products, so please reach out to us if you need additional assistance with your order.

What’s the difference between BCAAs and electrolytes?

BCAAs, or Branched-Chain Amino Acids, are nutrients that help build and repair muscles. They give your body energy during exercise and help reduce soreness after workouts.

Electrolytes, on the other hand, are minerals like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. They help your body stay hydrated, balance fluids, and make sure your muscles and nerves work well.

So, BCAAs help with muscle recovery, and electrolytes keep your body’s hydration and functions in check. BCAAs and electrolytes go hand-in-hand and can be combined for maximum benefits!

Can I use BCAAs and Momsanity Electrolytes together?

Yes! BCAAs and electrolytes work hand-in-hand to support your well-being and can be used together.

Is salt bad for you?

Many people think salt is bad, but sodium is actually important for your body to work well. Salt helps balance fluids, keeps your muscles moving, and supports nerve function. You need at least 1,500 mg of salt daily—too little can make you feel weak, dizzy, tired, or give you a headache.

Ocean water has 3.5% salt, much more than the 0.45% in your cells. Electrolyte drinks, which have 0.1 to 0.4% salt, are designed to help replace lost salt in a healthy way.

Salt has many benefits, like balancing electrolytes and fluids, helping nutrients get into cells, regulating acid levels, supporting nerve signals, and controlling blood pressure. It also helps your stomach produce acid for digestion.

Sodium is important for keeping water in your body balanced, helping your nerves and muscles work, and absorbing nutrients. Sodium attracts water, and electrolytes help you absorb water and avoid dehydration. When you sweat, you lose both water and salt, so just drinking water isn’t enough—you need to replace the salt, too.