Give Me Strength!

Give Me Strength!

by Coach Debbie


When my husband died unexpectedly, life instantly became surreal, as if I was dreaming the most horrible of dreams.  Overcome by such deep emotion, everything was intensified in life.  Just walking to the mailbox took extreme effort.  I was mentally clouded and emotionally unglued.


I remember sitting in his Jeep in our garage, just days after he left earth for heaven, to escape the outside world.  I just sat, with hands gripping the steering wheel, as I wailed.  As I sobbed uncontrollably, all I could muster the strength to say was, "Jesus, help!"  Nothing more.  


I know you've experience real, raw pain as well.  Perhaps it's past trials, perhaps it's a present valley.  And I am so deeply sorry you must endure such hardship.


When grief was so fresh and new, I simply put one foot in front of the other.  As God allowed moments of coming up for air, I would whisper, "Thank You, Lord," remembering that God was faithful and near.  I was not thanking Him for taking my husband, but rather for being so real and sovereign amidst my pain.  


While I often felt as if I was crying out to thin air, the gift of time helped me know that He heard my cries and would bring moments of joy.


Can you think of a time when God made it clear to you that He heard YOUR cries?


Can you remember the last time you praised Him with your whole being?


Let's check out Psalm 28:6-8 ~


“Praise be to the LORD,

For he has heard my cry for mercy.

The LORD is my strength and my shield;

My heart trusts in him, and I am helped.

My heart leaps for joy

And I will give thanks to him in song.

The LORD is the strength of his people,

A fortress of salvation for his anointed one.”


Please reread the above verses two more times to fully absorb the significance. 


Let's remember where our strength actually comes from -- the LORD.  HE is our strength.  We praise Him and ask Him to help us.  


We are weak, and He knows this.


During trials, we are designed to stay in sincere communication with Him. 


“Praise be to the LORD…”

Peace begins with praise.


“The LORD is my strength…”

God will support and carry me.


“The LORD is …my shield…”

God will protect me.


“My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song”

We express gratitude for Him and His deeds.


“The LORD is the strength of his people…”

Notice that this is different from the above verse (“my strength”); He is OUR strength as a community of believers.  We are all weak and needy and He is enough for each one of us!




We at Momsanity are here for you if you need prayer!  Please don't hesitate to reach out!

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