

by Coach Debbie



“I have chosen you,” declares the LORD Almighty.

--Haggai 2:23


God has chosen you!  He has declared this! 


This verse ends the Old Testament book of Haggai, as the LORD is informing the people of what He WILL do in their future. 


He is absolute in His authority and if He says something will happen, it will happen!  It’s as if He is telling us to not worry as He forecasts when He “will shake the heavens and the earth” and “overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of the foreign kingdoms.” 


On days when we doubt our value and worth, know that the Almighty has guaranteed this (He references His signet ring authorizing this ownership).


Let’s flip over to the New Testament Ephesians 1:4 –

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.”


God chose you (before the creation of the world)!  In this chapter of Scripture, it lists so many amazing attributes of Christ.  He brought us the free gift of salvation and loves us so graciously!


He chose us in advance for His purposes.  Before time existed.  Knowing you’d be a sinner in need of mercy.  You are that big of a deal to the Creator of the universe! 


In Isaiah 43:1 He proclaims, “you are Mine.”  Just take that in.  Repeat it in your mind, as the Author of Life speaks this directly to you. 


You are His.  You are chosen.


And so what do we do with this heart-swelling information? 

  • We praise Him
  • We serve Him
  • We tell others about Him
  • We live like Him
  • We put others first
  • We die to self
  • We repent
  • We help others
  • We forgive
  • We spend time with Him
  • We love Him
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